Monday, June 21, 2010

night owl

I am pretty sure that all of my best work has been written at night. I don't know why, but I feel this independence that I normally don't feel when the sun is out. I love it. It's like I come alive, like I can really live, like I could go to the moon and back and still be ready for any adventure that comes my way, until dawn. It's the most amazing feeling. The one thing I love about living far from the city lights is the dark night sky. The past week I have just been in awe of it's beauty. I've always loved and appreciated the night sky, but for some reason, lately it is different. Who knows maybe I am seeing it with new eyes, but whatever it is, I don't want it to end. You know those moments when you just know things are going to be ok? You know, the feeling when you take a deep breath and suddenly all the worries in the world don't seem to matter? When you're hopeless as can be, and life is going nowhere, there's moments we have every now and then where we just stop and and we get this feeling, that can't even be explained, but you just feel like everything is really going to be okay. Like the world stopped spinning and everything was just clear. That is how I feel when I look at the stars in the sky. Sometimes I wish people could see things the way I do. The pure beauty in the most simple things. But then I realize if everyone saw it the way I do, it wouldn't be as special. I guess I have a different outlook on things than other people. I believe that love is the sole purpose we are on this earth. Love and compassion, in every form and I will always believe that. I don't let negative thoughts get me down or even negative people. I try to be optimistic through anything that happens to me. I see it as, that was meant to happen so lets deal with it and make the best of it. I try to see the best in people and sometimes that is my downfall. Whatever my plan is... well my plan is to be surprised.

cee, see, sea

“The cure for everything is saltwater- sweat, tears, or the sea.”

on the dash

Then looking upwards
I strain my eyes and try
To tell the difference between shooting stars and satellites
From the passenger seat as you are driving me home
"do they collide?"
I ask and you smile
With my feet on the dash
The world doesn't matter

When he drives into the late day sun
You can see her set of footprints
He ain't going to clean that windshield

I want to make it with you

"I Love You So Much" -- Hive Artist

“It’s waking up in the middle of the night for no reason, shifting under the blankets and feeling the heat of the person next to you. You turn around and see them in their most peaceful, innocent, and vulnerable state. They breathe as though the weight of the world lays on anyone’s shoulder but their own. You smile and kiss their face gently before turning back around and somehow, an involuntary grin forms on your face. Just before you drift off to sleep, you feel an arm wrap around your waist and you know…”

Life on the other side

Welcome back, I guess? It's amazing how things change... how life works. I can honestly say that life is one hell of a ride. Life is filled with so many exciting twists and turns. Hop off the straight and narrow whenever you can and take the winding paths. Experience the exhilaration of the view from the edge. Because the moments spent there, that take your breath away, are what make you feel truly alive.