Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I'm moving to boston in 4 days.

holy shit. i can't believe i'm moving. when i decided to go to college in boston a year ago, i thought it would be such a great experience. i wanted to get away and see life in a new place with new people. totally outside of my comfort zone. well, i never actually thought the day would come. until now. and it's so weird. i love my family and my friends and my girlfriend and everyone in my life. i freaking love the bay area and i definitely want to move back here after college. i know a lot can change from now to then, but i really really love it here. i want to raise my kids here and start my family here. anyways, that's another blog. :)

im going to miss my brother so much. i know he lives in LA.. and during school i never see him anyway, but seriously it sucks so bad he's not gonna be close anymore. :( we spent every single day together this summer and it was honestly the best summer of my life. getting to know him.. for who he is. it was just amazing. and so much fun. he seriously is my other half. we just get each other and he's such an amazing person. i'd never trade him for anyone else in the world. he's the man. :)

my dad have such an amazing relationship. seriously he's my other half. i honestly believe we are the same person. we have so much fun together... he really is a best friend. we've definitely had our up's and down's but he really has been there for me.. through everything... coming out.. my surgeries.. just being there for me to talk to. im gonna miss talking to him every night. or watching games with him on TV and talking about them the next morning. :( im going to miss my mom a lot too. she's always there for me when my dad's being mean. haha shes the best. i love her to death.

my booboo is in NY now. again. ugh. i hate when shes there. i miss her a lot. it sucks that i can't see her for a while. our 18 months (year and a half) is coming up on 9/5 and i hope i get to see her! shes the best. i love her tons. everything is changing for me.. and it's hard because i hate change and i hate talking about it more. but it's nice to have someone to talk to no matter what. anytime i want. :) she's a very special girl and im happy she still puts up with me :) haha

poor lauren. my little high school friend. lol if you just met her you'd NEVER know shes in high school! haha. man it totally sucks im moving and shes staying here. she really has been my best friend through out this past year. she's the strongest.. most amazing 16 year old i have ever met in my entire life. i've watched her grow into an amazing person and i honestly feel like we came into eachothers lives at the PERFECT time. she has such a great head on her shoulders an im so excited to keep watching her grow up. :) she's the best and i love her tons.

i have some amazing people in my life... people who i totally fucked over in the past.. who have taught me the power of forgivness... it's just an amazing feeling... knowing i have people at home who are there for me.. who are wanting me to succeed and do well. :) i love them with all my heart... and i will never forget them.

i love my life here in the bay area and as much as im dreading moving to the east coast.. i feel like i am ready to start my life... and move on. everyone will be here when i get back.. and i need to keep going with my life. Meet new people.. start over... i can finally be the person i want to be from the beginning.. to the end. and that's an amazing feeling. it's a fresh start and i ready. finally. :)

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1 comment:

Lauurrreennnn said...

Don't go
-goes in corner and pouts-