Wednesday, August 5, 2009

thoughts from my ipod-May

I'm leaving Boston tomorrow night and it's bittersweet. I have grown to love this place. I really dont want to leave. I wish the people I'm excited to see at home could just come here with me. I wish my friends and fam lived out here. But I guess that would defeat the purpose of coming out here in the first place then huh? :] I just really love experiencing 4 seasons. Seeing the leaves changing to falling off the tree to the blankets of snow covering the ground for most of the year to cherryblossoms blooming. It's just a really beautiful place. Honestly I feel as the seasons changed so did I. I am in a completely different place than I was when the leaves were reds, oranges and yellows. I love it. I finally feel ready to begin life again. I guess I'm just like the flowers blooming. It's a nice feeling. I'm finally getting to the other side of where my life used to be. And that is great. I just want to be back to where I was before and I'm getting there.
I played sports again this year for the first time in over 12 months!! What an awesome feeling!! And the best part of the year was playing softball again and being Rookie of the Year for the TCCC. :] I am so proud of myself. All of the pain and 2 surgeries and tears and missing my senior year in both sports it was all worth it. It's a starting point. And I'm ready to work hard this summer and come back next year stronger, faster, and better. I just hope my ankle hangs in there. It is definitely not 100%, and I can't wait until it is. :]

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